
Category Title Sort ascending Slug Lists
Fetishes Wyrm Dagger wyrm_dagger fetish_3
Fetishes Wyldflute wyldflute fetish_3
Fetishes Wrench of the Luffe Gremlin wrench_of_the_luffe_gremlin fetish_3
Fetishes Wraith Kinship wraith_kinship fetish_3
Fetishes Whistle Call whistle_call fetish_3
Fetishes Warshirt of the Wyrm warshirt_of_the_wyrm fetish_3
Fetishes Warrior Beads warrior_beads fetish_3
Fetishes Wailing Devil Claw wailing_devil_claw fetish_3
Fetishes Truth-Speaker Stick truth-speaker_stick fetish_3
Fetishes Torc of Wisdom torc_of_wisdom fetish_3
Fetishes Toolstick toolstick fetish_3
Fetishes Tongue of the Leech tongue_of_the_leech fetish_3
Fetishes Thor's Thunder thors_thunder fetish_3
Fetishes Tengu Feather Cloak tengu_feather_cloak fetish_3
Fetishes Tattoo of Protection tattoo_of_protection fetish_3
Fetishes Taltos Drum taltos_drum fetish_3
Fetishes Stellaluna's Mirror stellalunas_mirror fetish_3
Fetishes Skull-Cleaver Axe skull-cleaver_axe fetish_3
Fetishes Shield of Arrows shield_of_arrows fetish_3
Fetishes Shard of Despair shard_of_despair fetish_3
Fetishes Shadow Sash shadow_sash fetish_3
Fetishes Sarcophagus of Anpw sarcophagus_of_anpw fetish_3
Fetishes Sands of Sleep sands_of_sleep fetish_3
Fetishes Sanctuary Chimes sanctuary_chimes fetish_3
Fetishes Phoebe's Veil phoebes_veil fetish_3
Fetishes Pain-Dagger pain-dagger fetish_3
Rites Pain Dagger pain_dagger rites_all, rites_ratkin, fetish_3
Fetishes Pain Dagger pain_dagger fetish_3
Fetishes Mandala mandala fetish_3
Fetishes Madstone madstone fetish_3